New work goes live Monday morning until Jazz Fest
Edit: website has been updated post-Jazz Fest with available work.
Monday morning I will release all of my new work available for purchase online. Due to numerous inquiries, I will be releasing this work on my website for this week only, leading up to my booth at Jazz Fest. After Fest I will update my shop with remaining work.
With the spring festival season upon us, I am fully stocked with new work. I am so excited to show it all off. As an artist, one of the perks of my job is that I can make whatever I want. You may have seen a preview of some of this new work on my social media. I am revisiting some older themes in these pieces. I have brought back an aquarium theme that I have worked with before. In doing so, I have made hundreds of new fish, octopus, seahorses, turtles, starfish, etc. to incorporate in to this new work.
I have also continued on the evolution of some of my Abstract Branch and Bird series, with some new pieces for the website and for my upcoming shows. This includes two of my largest sandblasted sculptures to date! That is when I frost the glass to remove the shine. The light is no longer reflected by the glass; It is absorbed giving the pieces an “inner glow”.
Everything will go live online on Monday morning at 10am cst and will stay live until Jazz Fest starts Thursday am. Then you will have to contact me directly or come see me in person at the Fairgrounds. I will update my shop with remaining work after the fest is over.